Seed Studio BeagleBone Green AM335x 1GHz ARM Cortex A8 In Pakistan

Seed Studio BeagleBone Green AM335x 1GHz ARM Cortex A8

Rs: 5800 /- PKR
Availability: 0
Brand: Circuit PK
Product SKU: CKT-2171

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1. 512MB DDR3 RAM

2. 4GB 8-bit eMMC on-board ash storage

3. 3D graphics accelerator

4. NEON oating-point accelerator

5. 2x PRU 32-bit microcontrollers

SeedStudio BeagleBone Green (BBG) is a collaborative eort with Seeed Studio and It is based on BeagleBone Black's open-source hardware architecture and transformed into the differentiated version. The BBG has two grove connectors which make it easier to connect to the wide family of grove sensors. To make way for those Grove connectors, the on-board HDMI is disabled.

Super Administrator 29/07/2015

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