Digital clamp multimeter 1000A Mastech MS21

Digital Clamp Multimeter 1000A Mastech MS21

Rs: 6750 /- PKR
Availability: 1
Brand: Circuit Pk
Product SKU: CKT-1394

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1. Power: 9V 6F22 battery

2. LCD Display: 3999

3. Dimension:  250x99x43mm

4. AC Voltage:

4/40/400 V ±1.0%

700 V ±1.2%

5. AC Current:

400/1000 A  ±3.0%

6. DC Voltage:

 0.4/4/40/400 V ± 0.8%

1000 V ±1.0%

7. DC Current:

400/1000 A  ± 3.0%

8. Resistance:

400/4k/40k/400k/4 MΩ  ±1.0%

40 MΩ  ± 2.0%

9. Capacitance:

4n/40n/400n/4 µF ± 40% 

10. Frequency:

40 Hz - 100 kHz ± 2,0%

11. Temperature:

-40 °C - 750 °C ± 1.0%

A MS2101 digital clamp meter is used to measure the current, voltage, resistance, capacitance, frequency, and duty cycle AC / DC. With any current measurement up to 1000A, Digital Tong Tester full range overload safety and distinctive appearance style make it a realistic meter. Handheld True RMS clamp Multimeter has a monitor with a 3999 button. It can check on diode and continuty.

Super Administrator 29/07/2015

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