PSB-2720T Shabab Colume PA Speaker Taiwan

PSB 2720T Shabab Colume PA Speaker Taiwan

Rs: 15000 /- PKR
Availability: 1
Brand: Circuit Pk
Product SKU: CKT-1217

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1. Indoor  applications

2. Mounting bracket included

3. Paintable enclosure

4. Two-way, bass-reex design

5. 70.7V/100V and 8 ohm operation

6. Screwdriver-adjustable tap setting


Speakers are among the most frequently used output devices with systems. Some speakers are specially built to work with PA system while others can be connected to any form of sound system. Regardless of their size, speakers have the function of generating audio quality that the listener can hear. This speaker is used in mosques, churches, schools and many other public places.

Super Administrator 29/07/2015

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